There's Time Now!
Alright, so I’ve been away from this website for nearly a year, which honestly sucks. Between my increased involvement in activism and an honestly shitty job that had me working 60-hour weeks, I barely had time to do anything I actually enjoy, which took me more or less to the point of burnout. For Christ’s sake, I haven’t even been able to play a show in a year and a half! Fortunately, I got a new job with a boss that isn’t a coked-up asshole so finally have a bit of free time now. Which means I have time for music and side projects again! Speaking of, I’ve got a little online radio station now! At the moment, it’s just a randomized playlist of Creative Commons music I think is neat, but I’m going to try and add some more stuff soon, like audio bumps, the occasional live broadcast, and whatever else my diseased mind can come up with. Also! I’m going to see if I can’t get a mirror of this site on gemspace at some point, so keep an eye out for that if you’re a huge fucking nerd. Until then, I’ll catch you on the flipside. Free Palestine!