Enforcie's Center For Kids Who Can't Git Gud

And Want to Do Other Stuff Gud, Too

About the Author

Hey dirtbags, I'm the guy who made this website! Name's Billie Enforcie, but you can call me Daddy Mommy? Satan whatever the hell you want, knock yourselves out. I'm a musician, programmer, and occasional writer. Check out my band, if you've got the time or inclination. This is my personal website, a place where I post web logs, my personal goings-on, and links to cool stuff I've found on the internet. It'll pretty much always be under construction, since I want to keep coming up with cool stuff to add, but I'll try to keep it as stable and usable as possible. Take a look around, maybe you'll find something cool!

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: This website looks like shit.

A: Yeah, it isn't the fanciest thing out there, and I'm certainly no graphic designer, but the main point of this thing is to be readable, easy on the eyes, responsive, and compatible with most web browsers. So far, I think I've achieved that goal. Maybe I'll spruce it up later.

Q: How come there's no interactivity? At least put in some AJAX calls you lazy fuck.

A: Well, the main thing I wanted when I started writing this website was for it to be completely free of JavaScript. Don't get me wrong, I don't hate JS (most of the time), but building a full on WEB APPLICATION for something like a personal website/blog falls pretty heavily into overkill territory. Sure, I could've build this with Angular, or React, or whatever new framework frontend devs are losing their minds over, but that wouldn't have accomplished anything other than padding my resume. In fact, it'd kinda make the whole thing worse. It'd be harder to maintain, heavier, and it'd completely break the website for people want to disable JS in the browser. As for why I'm not using even a little JavaScript, it's mostly because I'd rather work within the limits of HTML and CSS, which will (hopefully) improve my skills in both. Plus, it's more fun this way :^)

Q: *scratches neckbeard* Hey, *wipes cum shavings off fedora* are you some kinda commie? *shits pants* I'll have you know that my strong *shits pants again* Aryan genes and *guzzles bleach* COMMON SENSE conservative values are based and your opinions are SOY!!!!!

A: Okay ¯\_(ツ)_/¯