Enforcie's Center For Kids Who Can't Git Gud

And Want to Do Other Stuff Gud, Too

Infinite Torment and More of What's to Come

We live in hell, but there's a way out.

Nothing destroys the illusion that capitalism is an efficient or rational system quite like having an actual job--that's probably why most grifters, bourgeois parasites, talking heads, and general basement-dwellers believe in the system with such genuine(ly creepy) gusto. I work at one of those cushy desk jobs now, the kind manned by "educated people" and "skilled professionals", and even the supposedly best and brightest of the workforce can't seem to create a genuinely efficient system for actually getting things done. Profit motive? Survival of the fittest? Other pseudo-Darwinian fascist bullshit? Goes out the window in favor of ass-kissing, endless meetings, and useless paperwork, all so some coked-out fraternity alumnus can have some hype data for his fucking pie chart at the next board meeting. Golf claps all around.

Of course, my experience in the absurdity of the modern office barely scratches the surface of what private enterprise can do in terms of waste; anyone who's seen the back rooms of a grocery store or restaurant an attest to that. It's wild to me that some people can see this comedy of errors and still jump to the defense of capital, despite not owning any themselves. I suppose being inundated with Good Old American* Propaganda from the cradle to the grave can have that effect on a person.

Regardless of what reactionaries may believe, the fact is that economies with at least some measure of central planning are superior to those that chain themselves to the anarchy of the market. Hell, we have hard data to back this up, it's not a matter of debate: given similar conditions, countries with socialist economies provide a better quality of life than their capitalist counterparts. Granted, if your idea of a successful economy is how well it makes a handful of assholes disgustingly wealthy, I suppose that information is meaningless to you. As for me, I think an economy is supposed to effectively distribute resources in a manner that produces the best outcomes for everyone--I suppose I'm one of those whacko leftist nutjobs with human empathy that the news media keeps warning us about.

Well, that's the end of my rant. For now. Thing is, I can talk about our problems but I can't be too specific about the solutions unless I want my site taken down or federal agents knocking on my door. All I can say is that Marx, Lenin, and Mao** were all very smart individuals with some very good advice on what's to be done about all of this meaningless suffering. As for upcoming stuff, I'm probably going to set up an RSS feed for my blog and home page status updates, so you can look forward to that. I'm working on something else, too, but I'm not going to say too much about it until I've made what I consider to be significant progress.


* I'm of course referring to US American propaganda. No need to drag the rest of the hemisphere through the mud.

** Check out Huey Newton and George Jackson, too.